A project primarily headed by Kingfisher artist John Gooden, the Kingfisher [Tourist] Welcome Center will be located on the northeast corner of the intersection of U.S. Highway 81 and State Highway 33 in Kingfisher. Gooden has already completed the massive bronze statue of trailblazer Jesse Chisholm and landscaping has been under way.
In 2006, Gooden unveiled an architect's rendition of the planned welcome center, (bottom right) but in September 2008, a new version has appeared (top), which conjures a vision of the county's grand 1901 courthouse, though in smaller scale.
In 2006, Gooden unveiled an architect's rendition of the planned welcome center, (bottom right) but in September 2008, a new version has appeared (top), which conjures a vision of the county's grand 1901 courthouse, though in smaller scale.