This little Liberty Bell replica penny bank was a token by the First National Bank in Kingfisher, OK.
This bank has been in the Raymond Rieswig Family as long as he can remember, and he was born in 1926. He found a little history on the First National Bank...
Abraham Jefferson Seay (Second Governor of Oklahoma Territory 1892-93) after leaving office, made his home in Kingfisher, and on November 23,1899, he organized the Central State Bank of Kingfisher. Later the bank’s name was changed to First National Bank of Kingfisher. On October 26, 1904, The bank was taken over by the Kingfisher National Bank of Kingfisher. Despite that take over, Seay remained his position as bank president.
This "Liberty Bell" bank measures 3.5" in diameter and about 4" in height. Weight is 8.9 ounces. It features a real wood bell yoke with brass fittings. The First National Bank plaque appears to be copper, while the bell itself is a lightweight steel.
The coin feed is located in the base of the bank, and utilizes a ball-bearing check-valve system to keep coins from falling out the slot (see image of base). A small lock is operated by a key, which is still with this particular example. When unlocked, the entire 3.5" base is removed from the bell.
Patented Feb. 18, 1919, the bell bank was apparently a product of "The Bankers Savings Credit System Co." of Cleveland, Ohio (see image of base). Hence, the bank came into the Rieswig family after 1919.
Photos by KingCoHistory.
Item is owned by Raymond Rieswig, Kingfisher, Okla.
KCHR is looking for more information on First National Bank of Kingfisher, or their promotional use of the Liberty Bell Banks. Please contact us if you have details! KingCoHistory@yahoo.com