Welcome to KCHR, a depository center for Kingfisher County, Oklahoma-related photos, letters, documents, maps and tons of other priceless research items...and make every bit of it available to the public in the interest of historical knowledge.
SUBMITTING ITEMS: Please e-mail 300 dpi color scans of documents, photos, memorabilia, etc., to me at KingCoHistory@yahoo.com (address is not case-sensitive). Be sure to identify everything you know about your item including names, dates, etc. Also, include your name and location. When e-mailing me, be sure to include the subject line "KFR History Item", even if it relates to a county town or community other than Kingfisher. If I am not familiar with your address, I will not open an e-mail that does not include this subject line.
Thank you for your interest. Check back often when doing local research. Feel free to e-mail me with questions (include that subject line!!!) and I'll try to answer you promptly.
This little brass-colored drum coin bank was made available as a premium to customers of Kingfisher Bank and Trust Company of Kingfisher, Okla. Date unknown. Dimensions are 4 inches high with a diameter of 3.5 inches.
(From Ebay Auction posting, Oct. 2008 by seller in Tulsa, Okla.)
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